Engaging with people in the process of discovering and developing their potential through a medium which they love.

We offer ongoing support and encouragement for the development of passion-based ministers.  We offer support for people as they discover their God-given design and training to minister according to their passion in their unique mission field.

Caring for Passion-Based Ministers

The Opportunity

Our local passion-based communities are always ready for advocates to speak to the deeper meaning of life.   Do you know anyone in the following situations?

  • Brilliant at what they do but completely dissatisfied
  • Stressed from practices and games booked almost every night of the week
  • Coping with what is going on on the inside through their participation in activities

Ready to be Equipped?

Are you considering participating in a Caring for Passion-Based Ministers group? Contact us for more information.

Looking to Pay for a Group?

Select the Caring for Passion-Based Ministers item on our shop listing to make a donation.