Bambi: The Rest of the Story

I just walked across the street to share my blog story with Michael.  He said, “That’s awesome, but here’s the rest of the story.”  Two hours after Michael and Dawn brought Bambi down to Buddy’s house, Michael spotted Bambi’s mother in my side lawn.  Michael called Buddy, and told him the fawn’s mother is in Glenn’s yard looking for her fawn.  Buddy still had Bambi at his house and brought Bambi up and the two deer reunited in my backyard.  I gave Michael a hug, thanked him for being such a caring neighbor, gave God the glory, and now I’m in tears amazed how God works in and through His people to orchestrate the lost being found and the broken being restored and used by God.  In the meantime, I checked my phone and my favorite photographer, Cynthia Berry, had sent me a new Bambi picture for the rest of the story.  Isn’t God good!  Do you have a God story that you want to share?

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