
Why does God care about our decisions?  Does it really matter to Him what decisions we make?  Throughout our lives we make so many daily decisions, but do we really stop and ask God what we should say yes and no to? 

My initial reaction is, “It depends.”  It depends on our relationship with God.  It depends on our worldview.  It depends on what really matters to us.  It depends on how busy we are.    

Jesus was approached by a man who was probably grieving the death of his father.  Instead of asking Jesus the right questions, he wanted Jesus to tell his brother to divide his father’s estate with him.  He wanted Jesus to use his power to get him more.  Jesus models for us a great boundary-setting response.  “Friend, who made me judge over you to decide such things as this?”  Then he said, “Beware!  Don’t be greedy for what you don’t have.  Real life is not measured by how much we own.”  Then he taught this man and his disciples what mattered most.  (Luke 12: 14,15)

Using the icon of our day, imagine with me a big letter “K” with a circle around it.  It’s our “Kingdom of God” life logo.  Picture yourself huddled up with Jesus and His disciples.  His message is to stop worrying about will I have enough.  He will provide you with all that you need as you make the Kingdom of God your primary concern. 

In a time when people are feeling unsafe, mistrusting, anxious, and insecure, Jesus speaks to our greatest need.  Whether we’re driven by our fear of losing who or what we have, or our fear of not having enough, Jesus points to the birds and flowers and says, look how I provide for them.  You’re so much more valuable than they are to Me.  Just trust Me and come to Me with all your fear and with all your needs.  I’ll take care of you.  Stop worrying about “Will I have enough?”  Stop trying to get what you don’t have.

I love the shepherding language Jesus used with his sheep.  “So don’t be afraid, little flock.  For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom.  Sell what you have and give to those in need.  This will store up treasure for you in heaven…Where your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be.”  (Luke 12:32, 33, 34)

What a countercultural message:  Instead of trying to get more of the latest _________, give what you have to those who don’t have it.  Instead of trying to work more to get more, slow down and give thanks to God and enjoy who and what you have been given.  Since you’ve been given everything you need, why long for more?  Your life-giving relationship with Jesus will compel you to give not to accumulate.

Find a quiet place today to ask the Good Shepherd

What have You given me that you want me to give away?

What’s keeping me from boldly loving You and the people around me?

What am I thinking about and doing that’s robbing me of my peace and joy?

What do I need to get rid of?

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