You’re Not “Just a…”

Blog and drawing by Matt Potosky

When I was young, the one movie that captured the imagination of a whole generation was Star Wars.  It was the story of a lowly farm boy on a forbidding backwater planet who became a hero that saved a galaxy from the evil Galactic Empire.  That story has resonated with me and so many others of my age.  However, on a deeper level, Star Wars reminds me of a treasured Bible verse, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).

This particular verse comes to mind when I think of Star Wars because of the many reasons that young Luke Skywalker gives his mentor, the wise old Obi-Wan Kenobi, about why he shouldn’t leave his home planet.  Even though Luke dreamed and longed for a life of adventure, he couldn’t let go of the fact that he was just a farm boy.  Fortunately for Luke, Obi-Wan saw the potential for greatness in Luke and would not give up on him.  He knew Luke was destined for greatness.

Perhaps you have seen yourself as “just a…”  Maybe you see yourself as “just a” teacher, a factory worker, a nurse, a truck driver, a mother, a father, a retired person, or just like our young friend Luke, a farmer.  Perhaps you see little value in what you do and even smaller value in who you are. Perhaps the reason you think so little of yourself and what you do is because someone in your past has said things that have torn you down.  Permit Scripture to push back at that kind of thinking for a moment.  Ponder the truth of Ephesians 2:10:  you are God’s workmanship.  Some Bibles will translate this as “artwork” or “masterpiece”.  Either way, consider that you are God’s workmanship, His artwork, His masterpiece. There is nothing “just a…” about what God has made in you.

Furthermore, you are created in Christ Jesus, God’s only begotten Son, the Savior of the world, the Divine logos, the very Word of God made flesh.  Yes, the very Source of eternal life made you in Him for the purpose of good works which have been prepared beforehand for you to accomplish.  Did you ever consider that the work you do or did in your life was part of God’s plan for you?  Did you ever consider that whatever you do in life is for His glory?  I thank the Lord for my dear friend Glenn and his dad Ron, who, like Obi-Wan Kenobi, never gave up on me because they saw the potential of my artistic talent and have helped me put it to good use.  Please consider your priceless worth to the Lord and your talents He has given to you.  Anything that has a positive impact on people has great worth.

You may see little value in yourself or in what you do, but please know that is not how God sees you.  He sees the potential in you and knows this potential intimately because He made you.  He made you for His good purpose.  He made you so that He can use you to spread His Good News.  He gave you unique gifts and talents.  Surround yourself with friends or family who will see your potential and affirm your gifts and talents.  So, no matter if you turn a wrench or tap a tablet, God has an amazing plan for you, to work through you.  There is no such thing as “just a…”

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