God’s Temple

Sabbath Day Reflections

A temple is a place to worship the Name of the LORD our God.  In King Solomon’s day, 103,600 people worked together investing seven years to prepare the finest woods and the most expensive stones, and they overlaid them all with gold as they built the temple to honor of the Name of the LORD our God.  This woodworker is salivating just imagining all of the cedar beams, walls, and ceiling.  Two cherubim, made of olive wood, side-by-side, with wings stretched out thirty feet inside the inner sanctuary—The Most Holy Place—all overlaid in gold with carvings on the walls of cherubim, palm trees, and open flowers (1 Kings 5, 6).  Can you begin to imagine what it was like to be one those workers who built God’s temple?

Can you begin to imagine what it was like when God was knitting you together in your mother’s womb?  Fearfully and wonderfully made by God for God.  Each of your days were recorded in God’s book before you were even given your first breath (Psalm 139:14,16).  God decided to make you in God’s image to be a temple of worship for the Living God.  “…Don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God?  You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price.  So you must honor God with your body” (I Corinthians 6:19,20).

Can you begin to imagine how God feels when He sees what His precious children are doing with the temples that He uniquely designed to be mobile centers of worship of the Most High God?

I’m becoming more…

I’m honoring God with my body by…

What are you daily feeding God’s temple?

As you listen to the stories that you tell, how do they reflect God?

What’s most likely to distract, disrupt, or distort your life?

Who feels welcome by you?  Who doesn’t?

What do you get most excited about?

Is it Jesus?

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