People are fascinating creatures of habit. We develop by going through phases that are frequently defined by the trends of our culture. When we allow people and culture to define us, we tend to wear labels that stick to us whether they’re good or bad, right or wrong, freeing or debilitating. Unfortunately, we oftentimes don’t even inspect the ways we are defining ourselves, or we don’t realize that we’ve given other people defining power over us. Then we wonder why we’re so unhappy or stuck.
I guess it’s trendy to take a test and find out what color, number, or letters you are. I’ve taken the tests, but I don’t really fit into anyone’s prefabbed categories. I tend to live outside the box because God made me to be different. Because He’s my Creator, only God has defining rights on my life. Fearfully and wonderfully made by God for God sounds good enough for me. Adopted into His eternal family sounds like a great family and future. Holy and dearly loved fills my tank. Masterpiece created anew by Jesus to do the good things He planned long ago sounds like a beautiful, unfolding mystery. These are the labels I wear and share with those around me who are seeking and searching for truth and significance.
Take a few minutes to reflect on the words you have been using to define yourself. Do they build you up? Do they tear you down? Do they help you reach your God-given potential? Or do they restrict your sense of freedom? Are you using your power to build you and others up? Or are you using your words and influence to control or restrict?
Words have defining power. These words I’m writing this morning reflect my heart that is being shaped by God and His Word. Jesus said, “For whatever is in your heart determines what you say.” (Matthew 12:34) My blogs are a window into my soul. My hope is to speak truth and life into your soul. Not to restrict or control. Instead, my hope is that you will be drawn into an ever-changing relationship with the God who created and defined and loves you. The Lord who created you says, “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you…You are honored, and I love you.” (Isaiah 43:1-4 NLT)
The Lord’s love for you is relentless. He wants to reshape your defining images of God, yourself, and the people around you. He’s come to set you free from all the things you and other people have said that are not true. He desires truth in your inmost being.
My hope and prayer for you this morning, my friend, is that God will heal and restore you where you’ve been hurt and broken. May His love define you and how you see and communicate with you and with those around you. May He use you to redefine the culture of how people are using words to communicate with one another. At home. At work. At school. At play. As truth is spoken in love, may we all get better and become more like our Definer. And his name will be the hope of all the world.