We all perceive what is taking place in our times based on the beliefs that we have formed over time. We also interpret what was written long ago based on what we have learned and have come to believe over time. We’ve all been created by God and shaped by our past. We all interpret “What in the world is going on?” based on our convictions.
When I was in seminary, we learned that everyone comes to Scripture with an interpretive lens. We also learned that we each translate Scripture and live it out so that others can understand what it means. As I’ve spent the past several weeks studying, prayer journaling, counseling, and teaching Romans 12-14, today I’m going to do my best to give you the “Glenn Living Translation”.
Sacrifice your life and body to God just as Jesus did. Don’t conform to the daily changing patterns of this world. Instead, be different. Let the Lord determine what is right and best for you to do—and do it! We each play a vital role during these turbulent times. Play your role in love for God. Don’t zombie out, going through the motions, as if you’re lifeless. Love one another deeply from your heart. Hold nothing back. Be patient, prayerful, and peaceful during the pandemic, living in harmony with one another. NEVER get even. ALWAYS opt up to living honorably by loving your enemies. Instead of getting organized around what’s wrong, overcome evil by doing good. (What will that look like today?)
Regardless of your political views or personal preferences, obey the government, for God put it there and empowered it. As you begin to create a list of all of the things that you do each day to care for yourself and for your family, make sure that you do the same for the people around you, people in need, and people that you don’t like. Jesus did. When you allow yourself to conform to Jesus’ way of living and loving, you won’t be saying or doing wrong to others—you’ll only be saying and doing what’s right and true and good to benefit those around you. Let Christ control all that you say and do instead of indulging yourself with media or entertainment garbage. (What will you have to stop doing?)
Since God accepts us, accept yourself and each other. Don’t let yourself look down on or condemn yourself or others. Instead, live by your own convictions while respecting the convictions and preferences of others. “Those people” are your brothers and sisters and neighbors who eat, drink, do church, and wear masks differently than you do. If you want to stop the “condemic”—stop condemning!
When you eliminate condemning yourself and others, you stop imploding and you stop fighting. The Kingdom of God isn’t about stockpiling toilet paper, fruit snacks, beer, and masks. It’s all about doing good, pursuing peace, and enjoying God and His people. Target Goal: AIM 4 HARMONY by building up your spouse, your kids, your parents, and the people around you who have very different convictions from you. Only do what God tells you is right to do, and don’t give yourself permission to sin. That’s called opting down. Our world needs Christians to opt up to God’s way of living and loving—not down. (What will that look like today?)