Power, Perspective, and Position

Do you understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe Him?  It’s God’s same power that raised Jesus from the dead and seated Him in the highest place of honor at God’s right hand.  He’s far above all power and authority, and He’s seated us with Him in the heavenly realms.  In fact, God points to us as examples of His special favor and wealth of kindness for all that He’s done for us through Jesus Christ.  God’s love is melting me again as I’m walking with Him through the book of Ephesians.

When I stop to consider how God has amputated death-producing sin from my life and empowers me through His Holy Spirit to minister to His beloved children, I stand in awe of God.  I never deserved to be a recipient of God’s incredible grace and kindness.  I thought that I had way-too-many things wrong with me to ever be forgiven and transformed by our powerful God. 

But God chose to display His power to and through the weak.  He transports us from feelings and positions of powerlessness to seating us with Him in the heavenly realms.  When we’re one with Christ, we’re not stuck—we’re free! 

We’re Spirit-empowered works of arts—masterpieces—who are created anew in Christ.  Each one of us is uniquely designed by God to do what He planned for us long ago.  What an incredibly kind, powerful, and loving God that we get to serve each day as we love and serve His kids around us. 

As we get a glimpse of God’s perspective and as we recognize that God has empowered us to be His ambassadors in the very positions that He’s given us in our homes, neighborhoods, and community, why do we feel so weak, stuck, anxious, and angry?  Why do we get focused and absorbed by all of the things that don’t really matter?  Why do we turn to our screens, away from people, and away from God?

Oh, Lord, please turn the hearts and minds of Your people back to You.  Thanks for being the Good Shepherd who goes after Your wandering sheep and relentlessly pursues us again today when we get off course.  Your loving kindness is better than life.  Help us to trust You again, to receive Your love and grace, and to generously share it with those around us.  Please restore to us the joy of our salvation and grant us a willing spirit to sustain us where you’ve purposely placed us.  Help us to let go of and get rid of anything that robs us of living in Your abundant life.  Empower us to see and seize our God-given moments to love those nearby. 


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4 thoughts on “Power, Perspective, and Position”

  1. I was drawn in by the title, and I found the content thought provoking and challenging. Thanks for taking time to write I think there might be a better word than “blog” for your creative efforts..
    Sometimes I’m asked if I’m doing a “church gig”, and I like to think it’s more than a gig. Just a thought to ponder.

  2. Your post was worship for me today…my ❤. Thank you. I’m going to share it and work on living it…with God’s help. Sharon

    1. Isn’t it amazing all the ways God captures our attention n’ compels us 2 worship Him. What an amazing God we serve.

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