God didn’t design you to do what everyone else is doing with their lives. He created you in His likeness to be a unique vessel to channel His love and Good News. Regardless of your age or your stage of life, you won’t discover your identity or your purpose in life by looking at or comparing yourself to the people around you. As the words to my Talking Matters song communicates, “You were designed to be different. You have a dream you must pursue—to reflect the One who inspires you—to change the world by being you.”
“Go ahead and fight it. Try to deny it. Run from it and hide it—but truth keeps calling you. Your walls turn into bridges. Your scars become your badges. Restoration happens as you are freed to love. Oh, it’s time to break out of your box that binds your freedom—to be known and loved simply for being you. Through Talking Matters you’ll build connections with people who matter just like you.”
I believe we’re meant to work and play unto the Lord with all of our hearts as we engage people of all races and generations in crucial conversations about what Jesus is doing in and through our lives. You were given the gift of eternal life when you believed the Good News. You were loaded up with gifts, passions, people, stories, and opportunities to impact your world for Christ. What are you doing with your precious life and with your precious time that is making a difference for Christ in someone’s life?
What is the Lord tugging at your heart to say and to do that no one else can do like you because they aren’t you? Where are the next unique contexts where your story-blend can be shared and savored that helps to set captives free? Who are the people around you who are living in bondage to fear, anxiety, resentment, anger, or pride? Who is hanging onto life with a thread of hope waiting for you to just notice them and to love them into the kingdom of God?
It’s time to take our faith and our stories of hope to a world full of darkness and confusion. This world is messed up and broken—beyond hope of repair without Jesus. It’s a lot like the world was like when God made Noah and told him to build an ark. We’re a lot like the Israelites in Egypt, full of addictions and bondage, hoping someone will notice and risk their lives to rescue us from slavery and fear. Our world is a reflection of the world that Jesus stepped into and changed forever because He risked everything and gave His all. But who risked their life in order to share their faith and the Good News of Jesus with you? How did they do it? Why did they do it? Is God calling you out of retirement or depression to get you back into the game of making disciples of Jesus Christ?
It’s time to get back into the game and risk everything for the sake of Christ and for those who are lost and dying without a Savior. Stop getting organized around what’s wrong with…or who is going to win the election. Stop getting organized around how many are dying and get into the game of counting how many you’re befriending who are becoming disciples of Jesus Christ.
Live in a way that reflects your Savior. Listen in ways that make people want to talk more. Talk in ways that make people want to hear more. And when you open your mouth—have some to say. Bring words of life—eternal life and encouragement. Live on the edge for Christ—not stuck in a pew or a recliner. Take some risks and make a difference that brings you sacrifice and hurt because you care more about someone coming to Christ than you care about your comfort zone. Go and make disciples of your people group. For the sake of Christ—risk it all!
The props and tools for engaging your people group in life-changing conversations are fresh off the press with more to come. I want to encourage you to pray about who you need to share your faith with before it’s too late. Which of our cutting-edge communicate tools will help you connect with people whom God has placed in your life? Email me if you’re interested in talking more about tools to help people connect on a deeper level with God, themselves, and with each other. ([email protected]) Would you consider giving a donation today to our Spirit-Driven non-profit ministry as we continue to develop discipleship tools, disciple-makers, and safe places where Christ is made known in our world? Thanks for blogging with me today and for living and giving in ways that make Christ known in our world.